1. Where can I register my delegation?

A. Visit mcumd.org/register and fill out the form!

A. No, as long as students can successfully be transported by the school.

2. Is there a minimum/maximum delegation size?
3. How much does the conference cost and how can I pay?

A. It is a one-day conference on March 9th. The conference will run from around 9am-2pm.

4. How long is the conference?

A. It will cost $15 per student. Payment can be made via cash or check to Model Congress and handed in on the day of the conference

5. Do I need to write a bill? How can I write one?

A. Yes, each student will need to come to the conference with a bill that aligns with the committee they are assigned. Look at our sample bill in the Resources tab as examples!

6. What style of parliamentary procedure does MCUMD follow?

A. We follow the Robert's Rules of Order. Check out our Parlimentary procedure on our Resources tab.

7. Who can I contact if I have questions?

A. You can email us at info@mcumd.org and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.